
Cannot open large file 600MB 32bit

2021年7月19日 — cannot open txt/sql file 600Megs in length in 32 bit. Is there a problem with large file? what is the size limits for 32bit/64bit?

File too large or big for Notepad or Notepad++ to open

2022年8月6日 — The Notepad application is able to open files at least as large as 512 MB (megabytes) but fails to open 1 GB (gigabyte). The Notepad++ 64-bit ...

How do I read a text file of about 2 GB? [duplicate]

2013年8月13日 — I use UltraEdit to edit large files. The maximum size I open with UltraEdit was about 2.5 GB. Also UltraEdit has a good hex editor in comparison ...

How To

2023年10月4日 — The Notepad text editor, just like many others, has a file size limit and it can't be used to open large text files. For most basic users ...

Notepad++ 8.3.2 improves very large file handling and ...

2022年3月1日 — Notepad++ users who open large files using the application may benefit from improved support for large files. Files with 2 Gigabytes or larger ...

Overriding The Notepad++ File Size Limit

2023年11月20日 — 9 MB is not the maximum size that Notepad++ (NPP) can open, at least for 64-bit v. 8.5.8 running on Windows 10, v. 22H.

The File is too large for Notepad or Notepad++ [Solved]

2022年8月5日 — Notepad or Notepad++ app on any windows system is only able to open any text file which is less than 2 GB in size as default. If the problem ...

Windows 11 Notepad failed to open more than 1 million rows

2023年7月21日 — A same text file (.txt) about 631MB and 1 million rows of record able to open in Windows 10's Notepad, but failed to open in Windows 11.


2021年7月19日—cannotopentxt/sqlfile600Megsinlengthin32bit.Isthereaproblemwithlargefile?whatisthesizelimitsfor32bit/64bit?,2022年8月6日—TheNotepadapplicationisabletoopenfilesatleastaslargeas512MB(megabytes)butfailstoopen1GB(gigabyte).TheNotepad++64-bit ...,2013年8月13日—IuseUltraEdittoeditlargefiles.ThemaximumsizeIopenwithUltraEditwasabout2.5GB.AlsoUltraEdithasagoodhexeditorincomparison ...,,20...